Cookies Policy


Cookie is the term given to describe a type of message that is given to a Web browser by a Web server. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prepare customized Web pages or to save site login information for you.

Types of Cookies
Session cookie
Also called a transient cookie, a cookie that is erased when you close the Web browser. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed. Session cookies do not collect information from your computer. They typically will store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.

persistent cookie
Also called a permanent cookie, or a stored cookie, a cookie that is stored on your hard drive until it expires (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates) or until you delete the cookie. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as Web surfing behaviour or user preferences for a specific Web site.

First and Third-Party Cookies
First party cookies are those cookies that originate from (or be sent to) the Web site you are currently viewing. These types of cookies usually will contain information about your preferences for that Website. Third-party cookies originate from (or will be sent to) a Web site that is not the site you are visiting. For example, if the Web site you are on using third-party advertising those third-party advertising Web sites may use a cookie to track your Web habits for marketing purposes. Most cookies, despite some misconceptions, are legitimate files


S’Entrador S.L. uses Google Analytics to obtain statistics about the use of its Website. It may be disabled in

S’Entrador S.L. advises all users of the possibility to configure Browsers so that they will be informed of the presence of cookies offering the chance to either accept or to reject them.


Internt Explorer

Conditions of Reservation

Serrano Hotels invites you to enjoy the best Hotels in Cala Ratjada on Majorca.

Book at the best prices in Serrano Hotels.

Flexible prices: Cancellations up to 4 days prior to arrival are at no cost. Thereafter 1 night cancellation fee applies.
Non-refundable rates: No cancellations or refunds are permitted. Reservations at full prepayment.
Check-in time is 3 p.m., check-out time at 11 a.m. Late check-out is fee-based, availability provided.
These rates do not include the tourist tax applicable to all stays from Mai 1st 2018 onwards. This tax is 4.40€ per day ad person hosted in 4 superior and 5 stars hotels, 3.30€ in 4 stars hotels and 2.20€ in 3 stars hotels. Minors under 16 are exempted from this tax. In the time between November 1st and April 30th this tax is reduced by 75%. For stays exceeding 9 overnights in the same hotel the tax is reduced by 50% from the 9th day onwards./p>


The seller of the hired services by the user is S`Entrador SL, a hotel company that provides services of room reservation. is registered under the name of S`Entrador SL. The commercial brand is correctly registered under the name of the Company.



Hiring the services of room reservations will be done through the specific selection of the product/s through the selection elements that the webpage has installed. Once selected and verified the application for reservation/hiring, the conditions will be completely accepted by you, without reserves, as stated in the company’s website, before acquiring such products.

Once accepted, the user acquires the condition of Client of the company/entity.

Any product or service offered by the company afterwards will be subject to a new hiring/acquiring procedure.

Clients are advised to read with caution these conditions and print them on paper or save them electronically.

Data Protection

1. Who is responsible for gathering data, handling them and pass on to third parties?

TAX ID-Nr: B07580897
Postal Address: Av. Cala Agulla, 123. 07590. Cala Ratjada
Phone: (+34) 971 56 44 50
E-Mail for data handling:
Ref: Protección Datos

The user may contact our Administration Dept. for any questions related to data treatment.

2. Purpose of our data processing

To manage your information or request made though our contact form. Your data will never be used to support automatic decisions nor the making of profiles.

3. What legitimises us to manage your personal data?

The legal base to manage your personal data is the forwarding of the contact form in which the box confirming that your have read and understood of our privacy policy is activated.

4. How long do we store your data?

The rendered data with remain stored until the user requests its erasure. Meanwhile it will be kept accomplishing legally authorised administrative, accounting or fiscal purposes.

5. Who has access to your personal data?

It is not intended to render your personal data to third parties except if demanded by public authorities, police or court injunction.

6. Which are your rights as user?

Any person has the right to obtain information about the management of his personal data. They may:
· Be informed of the purpose of usage of his data and the time of storage, to know if his data supports automatic decisions of the making of profiles.
· Present a claim to the Spanish Agency of Data Protection ( whenever his rights are being violated.
· Accede to his personal data as well as to demand amendment or complementation.
· Demand erasure of his data if these – beyond other reasons - do no longer fulfil the purpose they were gathered for. In this case they will only be used to support complaint issues.
· Demand to forward his data to other service providers as far as technically possible.
· In some circumstances like Direct Marketing or personal situations the user may demand to stop the management of his data. In such cases we will no longer manage his data except for imperative and legitim reasons or for the support of claim reasons.

7. Cancelling Subscriptions
To cancel any subscriptions to newsletters or similar just contact us per e-Mail using the address above and refer to “Responsible for Data Management”.

8. Use of Cookies

Our Website uses cookies to improve surfing the web. More information about cookies is provided through the link “Cookie Policy”.


 Grants and subsidies


SENTRADOR, S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para su proyecto de autoconsumo realizado en Capdepera, cofinanciada por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinada por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico través de IDAE y gestionada por las autonomías según el Real Decreto 477/2021, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. Se ha elaborado un proyecto de autoconsumo con fuentes de energía renovable, consistente en una instalación de placas fotovoltaicas sobre la cubierta de la nave que SENTRADOR, S.L. ostenta en Capdepera. Se ha requerido la colaboración de la empresa instaladora Endesa X Servicios, S.L.U. que cuenta con un equipo multidisciplinar de ingenieros que analizó las instalaciones minuciosamente, prestando la solución técnica / económica que revierta mayor eficiencia y ahorro al cliente. En este proyecto se han instalado 111 módulos de 545 Wp con 1 inversor de 50 kWn. Estos módulos podrán producir unos 83.334 kWh anuales de energía para el autoconsumo de la empresa beneficiaria de la ayuda.


plan de circularidad


✨ Comprometidos con un turismo más sostenible gracias a I-STARS En Mar Azul Pur Estil Hotel & Spa estamos orgullosos de avanzar hacia un modelo de gestión más responsable y respetuoso con nuestro entorno. Gracias a la subvención del programa europeo I-STARS, hemos podido impulsar nuestra transformación sostenible con acciones concretas y medibles.
Con este apoyo hemos logrado:
✅ Evaluar nuestro desempeño en sostenibilidad
✅ Identificar oportunidades de mejora y definir prioridades
✅ Establecer acciones concretas para avanzar hacia un modelo más responsable
I-STARS (Island Sustainable Tourism Action through Resilient SMEs) es una iniciativa cofinanciada por la Unión Europea que apoya a pymes turísticas en islas europeas para hacer frente a los retos ambientales y sociales del sector.
Desde la eficiencia energética hasta la gestión de recursos, cada paso cuenta para ofrecer una experiencia más consciente a nuestros huéspedes y contribuir a un turismo más resiliente.
¡Gracias a I-STARS por hacerlo posible! 🌍
#TurismoSostenible #HotelesResponsables #IStars #Sostenibilidad #CompromisoAmbiental #ODS #IslasSostenibles


camas elevables